DNS Questions *Sorry if you've seen it before*

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bmartin, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. bmartin

    bmartin New Member

    I only have one server running the perfect setup. Great system so far, but I am having a hard time understanding the nameserver side of things. So I have a domain names test.com and test.net. test.com will be the site and test.net will be used as the nameserver? So I point 1and1 where I registared test.net to my ip address and then in ISPconfig I set up the nameservers ns1.test.net and ns2.test.net and then put those in at 1and1 for the nameservers of test.com.

    Is this all wrong? Am I missing something?

    Or shoud I do a managed DNS deal since I only have one server?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. bmartin

    bmartin New Member

    Thank you till I will give those a go. The second link I think is what I needed. I need to understant DNS a little better.
  4. bmartin

    bmartin New Member

    DNS New Problem

    I followed the GoDaddy one. I thought everything went fine. I have test.net set up as nameservers at godaddy. And at my other domain test.com I pointed them to ns1.test.net and ns2.test.net. If I use the DNS Check function with test.com it pulls up a window saying the nameservers and the mailserver and my correct ip address, so I know it is reading and gettinf the right information. But when I try to go to test.com in firefox it just times out and errors out. Same if I do dig @ns1.test.net any test.com that errors out also.

    Any ideas


    Also forgot to note that I know it is reading it because if I go into ispconfig and change the ip address or something for test.com and then do the dns check again it show the one I just changed.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2007
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think you must wait some more time. It can take up to 72 hours until DNS changes propagate.

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