DNS Split zones

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by Friendbg, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Friendbg

    Friendbg New Member

    Hi guys,

    I'm writing you about one strange issue.
    We have 2 dns servers - server A and server B. Server A is master of zone 1.example.com, 2.example.com and server B is slave to 1.example.com and 2.example.com.
    Our domain example.com is hosted at dyndns.com and there are the main dns records. In our A and B dns servers we create some local dns stuff like mail.1.example.com and office.2.example.com etc. Those dns records are with local ip addresses
    In dyndns we have also nodes for mail.1.example.com and office.2.example.com which are for our real ip's

    We want to do this plan:
    From A server we want to access 2.example.com records with their real ip's (like dns zone from dyndns.com) and 1.example.com with their local ip's from dns zone hosted on A server.
    From B server we want to access 1.example.com records with their real ip's
    (like dns zone from dyndns.com) and 2.example.com with their local ip's from dns zone which we get from A server( our B server is slave).

    The main reason to do this that we want all to be managed from our main dns server - A server, so if we add third or else dns server will be easy to manage it.

    Any idea how can we do this guys?
    I think this can be done with "type forward" options but I'm not sure how to do it.
    And .. I know that if we use /etc/hosts we can do this, but the idea is to do with bind9, because of using the /etc/hosts will cost us editing 20~ servers hosts file which uses our local dns servers.

    Thanks and all the best!


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