DNS Template for resellers

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by erosbk, Feb 1, 2012.

  1. erosbk

    erosbk New Member

    Is it possible to define a DNS Template for resellers? it should be great, because someone can create a Template and make it available for all, but in multiserver setup, with multiple site/mail servers, I need to create different templates and assign one specifically per reseller...

    When a reseller is created, as admin I can specify servers it will use, but I can't give a template valid for clients/resellers. So, an specific template for reseller should fix this problem I think.

    If reseller creates manually the SOA and records for all his clients, I have to give them specific data of servers/IPs and well, trust or control that he will not commit mistakes... this should be avoid with a template...

    I think that the best way could be to implement some variables for DNS Template like "reseller_template_web_server" and "reseller_template_mail_server".

    By the way, actual template only allows you to use variable "ip", and it uses same IP for mono server, and it is not usefull for multiserver... I think this should be fix for multiserver setup purpose.

    This working you are doing is wonderfull.


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