dnssec algo

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by bmeirelles, Aug 19, 2023.

  1. bmeirelles

    bmeirelles New Member

    I'm trying to test the new dnssec signature algorithms ed25519 and ed448.

    I changed the database table and it looks like this:

    MariaDB [dbispconfig]> SHOW COLUMNS FROM dns_soa;
    | dnssec_algo | set('NSEC3RSASHA1','ECDSAP256SHA256','ED25519','ED448') | NO | | ED448 | |

    When I try to create the zone through the web gui, only the first 2 continue to appear, and when creating the zone, it is created with the second, ignoring the database default.

    I tried to locate the dns template, but I couldn't find it.

    Does anyone with more experience know which file I should change?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The best is you download the ispconfig source or clone it with git, then use the search function if your editor or dev IDE to search all files for one of the current algo names and then add the new algos in all places you found the old names.
    bmeirelles likes this.
  3. bmeirelles

    bmeirelles New Member

    Hi Till, sorry for the delay.
    The entity Registro.br does not support it, so I ended up giving up.
    Thank you for your help.

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