Hi, I'm thinking of using ISPconfig for my VPS, to create hosting accounts, and i was wondering if it will support Cyrillic domains or any other IDNs? I had zPanel installed and zPanel doesn't support the new GTLDs. Please help! Thanks
Can you try to create a website (for example xn--80apaahi7a3c.com) > кирилица.com You can get converted cyrilic domains with: http://mct.verisign-grs.com/convertServlet?input=домейн.com
You just have to install the pear/pecl intl module for php and you should be able to insert IDN domains to ISPConfig. Or you can use this class http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/file/5845.html and put it inside /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/classes/idn/