Hello, hope someone can help me I have created a website on ispconfig with its domain : www.website.fr (for french users) I added an alias to this domain : www.website.com (for english users) now I want to create 3 subdomains for each domain : cdn1.website.fr, cdn2.website.fr, cdn3.website.fr and cdn1.website.com, cdn2.website.com, cdn3.website.com For the first website , it's ok but I don't know how can I create these 3 subdomains for my alias www.website.com thank you for your help
Just do the same that you did with your first website, add alias domains for cdn1.www.website.com etc.
Hello, thank you for your answer Till, you're always here to help. I just have another question : I'm following a tutorial : So I have my subdomain created : cdn.mywebsite.com in the tutorial, they tell me instead of creating an "A" record, I have to create a CNAME like that : cdn.mywebsite.com IN CNAME cdn.mywebsite.com.web.cdn.anycast.me. Do I have to create for this subdomain "A" and "CNAME" record or if I leave juste CNAME record it's correct thank you again for your help
Ok, so you are talking about dns now. In your fisrt post, you talked about a website, dns and websites are two different things, a website is an apache vhost while dns is a record for bind or a similar dns server. So your tutorial tells you to use a external cdn, not a website on your server. In this case, you use indeed a dns cname record.