Hello everyone I am researching how to enable DomainKey and DKIM on Postfix and I have read several articles. At the time I found interesting; enable amavis dkim. According to the following articles is very simple: http://stinebaugh.info/add-dkim-signing-to-your-ispconfig-server-ubuntu-12-04-lts/ http://www.faqforge.com/linux/how-to-enable-dkim-email-signatures-in-amavisd-new-and-ispconfig-3/ The above items do not work, because it is required to have some policies in the postfix and amavis to clearly identify the mails leave the server as described in the following article: http://blog.schaal-24.de/ispconfig/ispconfig-dkim-patch/?lang=en Changes are strong and I do not want to damage my production environments. I have read about opendkim and dk-filter and I think they are less intrusive in the server configuration; because only four lines are implemented in the main.cf file to configure the milter behavior. My question is: Does anyone has implemented opendkim and dk-filter jointly with amavis and ispconfig?
The official ispconfig dkim setup is described here: http://blog.schaal-24.de/ispconfig/i...patch/?lang=en this is already part of the ispconfig master branch amd Florian provides a backport for the current stable releases.
I don´t think, that this setup will damage your production system. I use it on my own setups and it works without any problems. There are two general changes: 1. the interface, 2. the server. If this won´t work for you, you can just disable the server-plugin by removing the symlink so you will get no modiifications to your amavis-config anymore. BTW: with the latest releasem the changes are done by a simple install-script. You can use opendkim or anything like this.But you can´t alter the config within ISPConfig. I´m not sure if this is really needed. Running a mail-server without amavis is not a good idea - just my 2 cents. This leads to lot of manual configuration as you must change the config-files for each domain and update the dns, too.