Domain Security

Discussion in 'General' started by TheFuzzy0ne, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. TheFuzzy0ne

    TheFuzzy0ne New Member

    Hello. I currently have 2 client accounts on my installation of ISPConfig 3 (From SVN lastnight), each have their own Web space. However, I've noticed that one account can register a DNS entry for a domain name that's linked to the other account. I'm not sure if this is a bug, desired feature, or being worked on but from what I can see, the only real requirement is that the domain name is valid, and that the exact entry doesn't already exist. There's nothing to stop anyone stealing subdomains from anyones domain on the server.

    Other than that, it's looking very impressive. It's clean, easy to use, quick and responsive. Great job!

    Many thanks.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I agree with you that there should be an option to limit subdomains to be added only by the owner of the domain. I've added it to the bugtracker as feature request.

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