For some reason, "" continues to regenerate into the NAMED.CONF even though I deleted it out, and there is NO zone file. This causes my named to crash. It was a site that has been deleted from ISPConfig entirely. From that, I tried adding a new domain "" and it will not add the DNS zone files by itself. If I attempt to do it in the DNS Manager, it says that I already have DNS files created. But, they are not listed ANYWHERE on the webpage. I have to do it all manually in SSH. How can I get the old domain to delete and get ISPConfig to add the DNS for the new one properly? is a RE-ADDED domain that was removed several months ago. After searching db_ispconfig via PHPMYADMIN I found numerous entries for the domains: INTRAC 1 match(es) inside table dns_a Browse Delete 2 match(es) inside table dns_cname Browse Delete 0 match(es) inside table dns_dep 1 match(es) inside table dns_isp_dns 3 match(es) inside table dns_mx Browse Delete 1 match(es) inside table dns_nodes Browse Delete 1 match(es) inside table isp_isp_domain 1 match(es) inside table isp_nodes Browse Delete GAMEWRECK 1 match(es) inside table dns_isp_dns 1 match(es) inside table dns_nodes How can I remove all of the information for those domains without screwing up ISPCONFIG so that I can re-add INTRAC.NET successfully, and no longer have GAMEWRECK showing up? THANKS a lot!
You can delete Gamewreck from dns_isp_dns, dns_nodes and (possibly) dns_dep. But please make a backup of the ISPConfig database before you try this.
Should I delete INTRAC from all of the locations its in as well? ISPConfig thinks that the domain EXISTS even when it doesn't anymore. I removed it so I could try and re-add it. And when I delete GAMEWRECK (and possibly INTRAC) do I click DELETE from the search on PHPMYADMIN? Or, is there another specific way to delete it?
Nevermind, I used NOTEPAD and deleted all of the rows with INTRAC.NET and GAMEWRECK.COM listed. Now, everything is working smoothly I think. I was able to re-add INTRAC without a problem! Thanks. Thanks a lot ya'll.