doubt about IPS and ISP Config (newbie)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by bmmoreira, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. bmmoreira

    bmmoreira New Member

    Dear misters,

    I'm trying to learn how to use ISP Config, I always used the vps with WHM/CPANEL, and everything was always ready...

    Now I'm trying to learn ISPConfig together with DNS concepts.

    So I got a vps using openvmz, followed the tutorial on perfect server tutorial.. and begin to study about DNS and other linux server stuff..

    While I begun read about DNS, would be good to have a second IP on the vps? Do the second Ip is required to the DNS server work within ISPCONFIG.. or I could use the DNS from the vps vendor to point to the multiple websites hosted on ISP Config.

    I always use the ready WHM/Cpanel contrated from web companies, so now I'm trying to understand a bit more, other than just using the system.

  2. Quaxth

    Quaxth Member

    AFAIK you need for each Nameserver, of which you need at least 2, a separate public IP for each. If you use the Nameserver from your Registra, you need 1 public IP and use an A Record at Registra for to resolve to your Domain name.

    The button line is:
    • for each nameserver 1 public IP
    • min. 2 nameservers are need if you like to use your own nameserver
    That would looks like:
    1. '' for IP1 like
    2. '' for IP2 like 987.65.54.23

    cPanel and WHM are quite expensive and hardly used by private hosting. cPanel as example sell licenses for a bunch of 500 domains! The free Enkompass cPanel is still available but the development has stopped and the Service of the Company is on forum only and not good anymore.

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