Dovecot and fail2ban in ISPconfig3

Discussion in 'General' started by please, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. please

    please New Member

    Dear Sir

    I had some problem after ISPconfig 3.

    Please check my errors and advice me

    fail2ban already installed but I got following error.


    Error: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot.conf line 715: Unknown protocol name (section changed in /etc/dovecot.conf at line 709)
    Fatal: Invalid configuration in /etc/dovecot.conf
    Starting Dovecot Imap: [FAILED]


    fail2ban is not installed at this server.
    See more (for debian) here...

  2. please

    please New Member


    Everybody can`t fix?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Which distribution do you use? Which tutorial (URL) did you use to set up the system?
  4. please

    please New Member

  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in line 715 of /etc/dovecot.conf?

    Is this a 32- or 64-bit system?
  6. please

    please New Member


    I am using 32bit.

    #auth_username_translation = in line 715

  7. please

    please New Member

    Hi falko

    I did dovecot restart from ssh

    Now I got

    Web-Server: Online
    FTP-Server: Online
    SMTP-Server: Online
    POP3-Server: Online
    IMAP-Server: Online
    myDNS-Server: Online
    mySQL-Server: Online

    and I created 1 email account

    but I got error

    Unknown user or password incorrect.
    Go to the login page

    Please check my mail log :

    Nov 29 21:00:01 lb postfix/smtpd[6798]: warning: SASL: Connect to private/auth failed: No such file or directory
    Nov 29 21:00:01 lb postfix/smtpd[6798]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms
    Nov 29 21:00:02 lb postfix/master[27019]: warning: process /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 6798 exit status 1
    Nov 29 21:00:02 lb postfix/master[27019]: warning: /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
    Nov 29 21:02:19 lb sendmail[6913]: oATEWIGK006913: from=apache, size=295, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<[email protected]>, relay=apache@localhost
    Nov 29 21:02:19 lb postfix/smtpd[6914]: warning: SASL: Connect to private/auth failed: No such file or directory
    Nov 29 21:02:19 lb postfix/smtpd[6914]: fatal: no SASL authentication mechanisms
    Nov 29 21:02:20 lb sendmail[6913]: oATEWIGK006913: [email protected], ctladdr=apache (48/48), delay=00:00:02, xdelay=00:00:01, mailer=relay, pri=30295, relay=[] [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection reset by []
    Nov 29 21:02:20 lb postfix/master[27019]: warning: process /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd pid 6914 exit status 1
    Nov 29 21:02:20 lb postfix/master[27019]: warning: /usr/libexec/postfix/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling
    Nov 29 21:02:59 lb dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login: user=, method=PLAIN, rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:, secured
    Nov 29 21:05:02 lb dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected: rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:, secured
    Nov 29 21:05:02 lb dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:, secured

  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you follow the tutorial to the letter?

    Is SELinux disabled?
  9. please

    please New Member

    Hi falko

    Already disabled selinux.


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