download backup not works

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Tom John, Aug 21, 2019.

  1. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi guys,

    i am using ubuntu 18.04 and ISPConfig 3.1
    when i go to website and backup i see my backups which i have on the server.
    If i press the button download nothing happens no download.
    Maybe you can help me how i can download these backups with the backup button

    thanks a lot for your kind help
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check if the backup file (tar.gz or zip) is actually there on the shell in the global backup directory.
  3. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    thanks for your answer
    if i see it right, the backups are there on the server
    root@server3:~# ls /var/backup/web3/
    db_c1wppass_2019-08-18_00-01.sql.gz  web3_2019-08-18_00-01.tar.gz
    db_c1wppass_2019-08-19_00-01.sql.gz  web3_2019-08-19_00-01.tar.gz
    db_c1wppass_2019-08-20_00-01.sql.gz  web3_2019-08-20_00-01.tar.gz
    db_c1wppass_2019-08-21_00-01.sql.gz  web3_2019-08-21_00-01.tar.gz
    db_c1wppass_2019-08-22_00-01.sql.gz  web3_2019-08-22_00-01.tar.gz
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok. and you waited at leat one minute before you checked the backup folder if the backup has been made available there after you clicked on the backup doenlaod button? Please check the backup directory of the website where you requested the backup download again.
  5. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    thanks for your answer
    well i can see in the backup folder of the website the backups which are made automatically every day:
    root@server3:~# ls /var/backup/web8
    db_c1aps1_2019-09-01_00-01.sql.gz  web8_2019-09-01_00-01.tar.gz
    db_c1aps1_2019-09-02_00-01.sql.gz  web8_2019-09-02_00-00.tar.gz
    i thought, when i press the download button that i can download the backup directly to my computer, but i think thats not right.
    so if i press the download button the system says to me wait some minute and then i find the backup in the /var/backup folder, but i have the backups already there so what is the download button then doing?
    sorry for the confusion and thanks for your kind help
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The /var/backup folder is not available to a client, only you as admin can see it. When you press the download button, then the backup is made available in the backup folder of the website so the client can download it.

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