
Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by dianer, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. dianer

    dianer New Member

    I know I should know this, but after working all day on this, my brain is mush.....what is the command to download the new version of ISPconfig....I am doing a clean install on a new machine and for the life of me can't remember the command...I believe it starts w/ wget, but can't get my brain to remember anything else.

    Thanks for the help.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    wget [URL]
    You have to find out the exact download URL on Sourceforge.
  3. dianer

    dianer New Member

    One other thing

    I do not get email notification when my posts are answered...on my profile I have requested email notification.
  4. domino

    domino New Member


    You prolly can't remember the rest of the things after the wget because it's hard to remember the full url. As far as your mail notification, as long as you choose the option "immediate notification" in your usercp, you should be able to receive them. Just make sure your email server doesn't junk any mail coming from HowToForge :eek:.
  5. dianer

    dianer New Member

    Thanks so much. I am now getting my notifications.
  6. domino

    domino New Member

    :D now it's time to annoy you by sending you all your notifications. Glad it's solved :cool:
  7. dianer

    dianer New Member

    LOL, thanks!!!!

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