dreamweaver connection

Discussion in 'General' started by cruz, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. cruz

    cruz New Member

    I want to set up a site for a client, what info do I need to give them for them to use dreamweaver to connect to there site?
  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    It depends on which file transfer types dreamweaver supports. But the easiest way is to just create an site admininistrator (e-mail). That user is usable as ftp user for the website.
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Do as Ben suggests.
    If you've problems with the FTP connection, you can try to switch "passive mode" off or on. You can find that option within Dreamweaver under Manage Site > Create New site > Remote info (advanced mode).
  4. cruz

    cruz New Member

    manage with dreamweaver

    He is trying to manage the site from his pc. The site is dynamic. Dose he need to install somthing on his pc to be able to work on a dynamic server ?
  5. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    What does "the site is dynamic mean"?
    Is the IP of the server dynamic or the content serverd by the server / site?
    In the first case he would need a dns name, that changes its A record each time the IP changes, or he has to change the IP of the server each time in his dreamweaver ftp settings.
  6. cruz

    cruz New Member

    working with dreamweaver

    What does "the site is dynamic mean"?
    It is database driver . meaning it uses templets and draws data for the pages from a database using php.He is able to connect to the server, so the ip is ok. When you create a site in ispconfig, is the root directry (web) ? Also when you connect to the database to trancfer files. Dose he use the user name and password for the ftp for the site (web1_db1 password)?
  7. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Ok i still do not get the point, so I explain what I would do or give sb. asking me for webspsace, that he wants to access via ftp, storing PHP code there handling database stuff (-> implies he needs a mySQL user + db as well).

    At first I create a web. Creating a user (E-Mail) as admin on the web. This user + pw i'd give him to access his account and transfer files, no matter if he does this with the dreamweavers built in function or another ftp client.
    The I create a database users and send him this user + pw + database name so he hass full access to his database. How he access this is his "problem" / goal.

    -> ftp access: e-mail user + pw
    -> db access: db_user + pw + dbname

    Just keep in mind to allow mySQL databases + php when creating the web.

    To access the mySQL with a frontend, he could use phpMyAdmin, either storing his own on his web, or the one you can include in ISPConfig itself (with the advantage of having a SSL connection then).

  8. cruz

    cruz New Member


    I understand now. Thanks:)

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