DSPAM training problem

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by SirLancelot, Mar 2, 2008.

  1. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member

    I've followed the guide at :-


    I've created a spam training directory and downloaded the training files and decompress them.
    Now when I run from the spam training directory
    # dspam_train test spam_2/ easy_ham_2/

    I get

    Taking Snapshot...
    test TP: 0 TN: 0 FP: 0 FN: 0 SC: 0 NC: 0
    Training easy_ham_2/ / spam_2/ corpora...
    [test: nonspam] 00349.335e1da552568724040e799bf3 result:
    ===== WOAH THERE =====
    I was unable to parse the result. Test Broken.

    Anyone have any ideas?
    many thanks
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2008
  2. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member

    I had the same problem. I hope you anyone will finally put an answer to this post.

  3. ru4r34l

    ru4r34l New Member

    make sure your variables ion /etc/dspam/dspam.d/mysql_conf are correct? and that the db your gint to use exist and db_user exist.

    Also make sure all these values are filled:
    MySQLPort 3306
    MySQLUser dspam_user
    MySQLPass dspam_user_password
    MysqLDb dspam_db
    MySQLVirtualTable dspam_virtual_uids
    MySQLVirtualUIDField uid
    MySQLVirtualUsernameField username
  4. SirLancelot

    SirLancelot New Member

    Thanks I'll check this when I get the new xen server up and running. next week hopefully.
    I'll post the results here.

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