
Discussion in 'General' started by planet_fox, Jan 16, 2007.

  1. planet_fox

    planet_fox Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I use this Tutorial http://dspamwiki.expass.de/Installation/Postfix/DspamWithIspConfig

    I do ./autogen.sh and this error came. I have use Debian3.1 on server

    automake: Makefile.am: required file `./NEWS' not found
    automake: Makefile.am: required file `./AUTHORS' not found
    automake: Makefile.am: required file `./ChangeLog' not found
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_api.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_api.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_api.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_api.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_api.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_api.c' is in subdirectory
    src/tools.pgsql_drv/Makefile.am:21: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.pgsql_drv/Makefile.am:22: BUILD_PGSQL_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.pgsql_drv/Makefile.am:20: dspam_pg2int8_LDFLAGS defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    automake: src/tools.pgsql_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.pgsql_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_api.c' is in subdirectory
    src/Makefile.am:39: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:40: BUILD_HASH_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:37: lib_LTLIBRARIES defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    src/Makefile.am:43: BUILD_MYSQL_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:46: BUILD_PGSQL_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:49: BUILD_SQLITE_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:52: BUILD_SQLITE3_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:85: BUILD_NCORE does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:65: libdspam_la_SOURCES defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    src/Makefile.am:89: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:120: STATIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/Makefile.am:117: libdspam_la_LIBADD defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    src/Makefile.am:119: libdspam_la_DEPENDENCIES defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    src/Makefile.am:128: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    automake: src/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support libhash_drv_la_LDFLAGS being defined conditionally
    automake: src/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support libmysql_drv_la_LDFLAGS being defined conditionally
    automake: src/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support libpgsql_drv_la_LDFLAGS being defined conditionally
    automake: src/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support libsqlite_drv_la_LDFLAGS being defined conditionally
    automake: src/Makefile.am: warning: automake does not support libsqlite3_drv_la_LDFLAGS being defined conditionally
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:23: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:24: BUILD_HASH_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:22: cssstat_LDFLAGS defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:34: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:35: BUILD_HASH_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:33: cssclean_LDFLAGS defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:45: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:46: BUILD_HASH_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:44: cssconvert_LDFLAGS defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:56: DYNAMIC_DRIVER does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:57: BUILD_HASH_DRV does not appear in AM_CONDITIONAL
    src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am:55: csscompress_LDFLAGS defined both conditionally and unconditionally
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../util.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../diction.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../nodetree.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../hash_drv.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../error.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_shared.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../pref.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../util.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../diction.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../nodetree.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../hash_drv.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../error.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_shared.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../pref.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../util.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../diction.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../nodetree.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../hash_drv.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../error.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_shared.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../pref.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../read_config.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../util.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../diction.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../nodetree.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../hash_drv.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../error.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../config_shared.c' is in subdirectory
    automake: src/tools.hash_drv/Makefile.am: not supported: source file `../pref.c' is in subdirectory
    autogen.sh: exited by previous error(s), return code was 1
  2. mlz

    mlz Member

    Are you sure you have the correct version of automake installed? It's a build problem with Dspam, so you may need to post your question over there... (not trying to point fingers, just thinking of the fastest route to solution.)
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. planet_fox

    planet_fox Member HowtoForge Supporter

    ok I become this eror when I do with configure

    home:/home/x# cd /usr/local/src/
    home:/usr/local/src# cd dspam/
    home:/usr/local/src/dspam# ./configure --enable-daemon --enable-clamav --enable-debug --enable-syslog --enable-preferences-extension --enable-long-usernames --enable-domain-scale --enable-virtual-users --with-dspam-home-owner=dspam --with-dspam-home-group=mail --with-dspam-mode=2510 --with-dspam-owner=dspam --with-dspam-group=postfix --with-storage-driver=mysql_drv --with-mysql-includes=/usr/include/mysql --with-mysql-libraries=/usr/lib --with-logdir=/var/log/dspam --prefix=/usr/local/dspam --with-delivery-agent=/usr/sbin/sendmail
    bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please run
    rm -fr /usr/local/src/dspam
    and then
    cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[email protected]:/usr/local/cvsroot login
    cvs -z3 -d :pserver:[email protected]:/usr/local/cvsroot checkout dspam
    cd /usr/local/src/dspam
    and try again.
  6. planet_fox

    planet_fox Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I become the same answhere

    Here is the list of the order from

    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff 210796 Dec 12 16:33 CHANGELOG
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     31 Jan 19 13:17 COPYING -> /usr/share/automake-1.4/COPYING
    drwxr-sr-x  2 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:15 CVS
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     31 Jan 19 13:17 INSTALL -> /usr/share/automake-1.4/INSTALL
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff  18103 Oct 24  2004 LICENSE
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff    613 May 13  2006 Makefile.am
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff  12153 Jan 19 13:17 Makefile.in
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff  89797 Aug 18 17:00 README
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff    114 May 16  2006 RELEASE.NOTES
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff   3179 May 22  2006 UPGRADING
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff 259452 Jan 19 13:17 aclocal.m4
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 root staff   2064 Sep 10  2005 autogen.sh
    drwxr-sr-x  2 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 autom4te.cache
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     31 Jan 19 13:17 config.guess -> /usr/share/libtool/config.guess
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     29 Jan 19 13:17 config.sub -> /usr/share/libtool/config.sub
    -rw-r--r--  1 root staff  25581 Jun  7  2006 configure.ac
    drwxr-sr-x  3 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 doc
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     34 Jan 19 13:17 install-sh -> /usr/share/automake-1.4/install-sh
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     28 Jan 19 13:17 ltmain.sh -> /usr/share/libtool/ltmain.sh
    drwxr-sr-x  3 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 m4
    drwxr-sr-x  3 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 man
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     31 Jan 19 13:17 missing -> /usr/share/automake-1.4/missing
    lrwxrwxrwx  1 root staff     37 Jan 19 13:17 mkinstalldirs -> /usr/share/automake-1.4/mkinstalldirs
    drwxr-sr-x  3 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 scripts
    drwxr-sr-x  8 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 src
    drwxr-sr-x  3 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 txt
    drwxr-sr-x  5 root staff   4096 Jan 19 13:17 webui
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's no configure script in that directory, but an INSTALL file. I suggest you read it as it should contain the installation instructions.

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