DTC vs ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by infused, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. infused

    infused New Member

    Just been looking at DTC. It has alot of features that ispconfig does not have. I was wondering if anyone has/uses dtc and has used ispconfig as well to see if it offers much over ispconfig.

    Don't get me wrong, I love ispconfig, but am looking at other options too. Anything to make it easier for my users.

    Anyone had experience?
  2. mlz

    mlz Member

    I ran DTC on a test bed for a while, had some issues with installation and reliability, I found ISPConfig about a month into testing and ran them side by side. More features in DTC, however I kept having issues that the author couldn't help with (I run CentOS) so opted for ISPConfig.

    I can't say one is better then the other for everyone, however we were locked into CentOS at the time and I wasn't going to change to Deb. I would rather be reliable and know the OS inside and out than to have all the nifty stuff and have issues all the time.

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