Dual booting Win7 and Mint12

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by AllanLindh, Feb 20, 2012.

  1. AllanLindh

    AllanLindh New Member

    I'm trying to add Mint12 to a 100Gb partition on a Win7 machine. Following CSch's clear instructions on Dualbooting Windows 7 And Linux Mint 12 - Page 2. Have used Win7 to create space, boot from my Mint12 disk, get to 4th Screen down on page 2, "Installation Type", and don't see third option, "install Mint12 alongside Window". Only have two options, it is as if the Mint installer doesn't see the Win7 partitions on the disk.

    I think I have followed instructions. Would greatly appreciate any suggestions as to what to try next. Thanks.:eek:
  2. conductive

    conductive Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have done it with open suse and it took care of everything partitioning, grub and all. Installing windows first is a must or else you will end up having to fix the boot record.

    That is all I know

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