Dumb Question - ISPConfig 3 Web Server or Not?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by gwiz, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. gwiz

    gwiz New Member

    Let me start off by saying "GREAT HOW TWO's" Falko

    I am sure everyone appreciates your hard efforts & dedication at trying to be helpful.

    Now back to my issue: :confused:

    First off I did a clean 16 pass sweep of my hard drive to make sure I started with a clean slate.

    Then I followed http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-debian-lenny-ispconfig3 word for word.

    Except for the ISPConfig3 package - Which stated too use the most current version.

    So I installed ISPConfig - Not choosing to go with the beta version of

    Set-Up from Start to Finish went extremely smooth with NO ERRORS or SNAGS

    However; it seems I can log into the control panel, and other test sites I created.

    Yet I see No Way of uploading or editing WEB content from control panel & squirrel mail has issues.

    I have done a pretty extensive search through this forum, yet haven't ran across any mention of this issue.

    Is there supposed to be a way of editing and uploading content through ISPConfig3?

    I experimented with ISPConfig2 setup a few weeks ago, and it had tons of other issues.

    However, it did have "tabs" too control web content & upload through ftp sources.

    I am extremely surprised to find ISPConfig3 does not have these resources, or does it?

    Was there just a GOOF on my part during creation, or is this a glitch?

    Screen shot of putty showing using netstat -tap. Maybe theres a hint of what I missed?

    Thanks in Advance

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ispconfig is a hosting control panel. for uploding content you use a ftp application or a cms system. You may use any available ftp aplication for it. squirrelmail works perfectly with ispconfig.

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