dumb questions about ISPconfig

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by wwparrish, Feb 1, 2006.

  1. wwparrish

    wwparrish New Member

    First, Thank you thank you! You saved me weeks of putting stuff together with the how-to. Afer a couple of tries where I had a little trouble of my own doing a test install in a "fake" domain, I beleive I have a good install on the production machine in the real world. ISPconfig works fine and all the interim tests (the telnet etc.) worked exactly as they should. I am struggling a bit with the ISPconfig interface as it is not intutive for what I am trying to do. Let me explain.

    We needed to replace our ISP's unreliable mail system with an in house one sitting on our firewalls DMZ with IMAP so our mail users could look at ther mail over the internet when at home etc.. We also wanted remote administation of accounts etc. We also wanted an FTP site for external customers to drop off files and a web server. Imagine my relief when I found the how to covering the entire "ball of wax" for suse 10.0. I installed the web mail package also and it shows up on the ISPconfig (tools menu I think) admin page but am a bit confused, apparently it is just a client ? To allow admin to look at his mail ?

    My plan is to just create one site that we could use for a web page if we wanted but to then put all our internal email users as "no shell" mail users and use outlook (yuck) as the user mail client at work and the internet for remote mail viewing.

    Dumb question 1 ) I dont see any reason my scheme above should not work, do you ?

    Dumb question 2) our ISP dns works fine and our domain that I will create the site under is in the IPS's DNS. I would think I dont need to run named/BIND with the ISP's DNS servers configured as part of the ethernet card setup. Do you agree ? The IPS's DNS is reliable. At a later date I might play with cacheing it but for now turning DNS off seems to be the more conservative way of doing things. (and removing the virtual ip created by the how to ?)

    Best regards
    Bill Parrish - old BSD csh hacker in way over his head :rolleyes
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. Every user who has an email account on this server can use it. Simply type the URL: https://www.yourdomain.com:81/webmail in the browser and enter your email address and password. If the URL is too cryptic, you can make a new website, e.g. webmail.yourdomain.com and redirect it to https://www.yourdomain.com:81/webmail.

    Thats Ok.

    You dont have to use the BIND setup from ISPConfig, just stay with your ISP's DNS Server.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The virtual IP address is totally optional. It's in the tutorial just to show how you do it if you need an additional IP address. :)
  4. wwparrish

    wwparrish New Member

    Thank you (again). :D

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