I've noticed some duplicate evidence files for some banned IPs. Have I missed something during configuration? Example:
Why do you think the files are duplicates? They have different sizes, created at different times and the names are not equal. Looks like the name includes the time stamp. If the files are in same directory or folder, you can not have two files with identical names there.
I don't believe I explained myself clearly. Obviously there can't be two identical file names. The evidence files (as show above) combine a timestamp followed by the IP address separated by a dash (-). Therefore, currently, there can be numerous evidence files per IP address. The most recent evidence file containing all the data in the older files along with the current entries. Here's a few groupings of IPs with the evidence file timestamp removed (easier to sort for this report):
The files are created on blocking. So if an ip is blocked, later unblocked and then blocked again, a new file is created.