Duplicate folderes containing different files

Discussion in 'Technical' started by gwatts, May 10, 2007.

  1. gwatts

    gwatts New Member

    I have duplicate files. I have read several papers on the file system but I do not understand certain conventions or perhaps also my installation is not right. I have just installed Ubuntu 7.04 and I have 2 MyFiles and 2 kk directories.

    On my system Home on the location bar is highlighted and the following 2 are listed.
    kk (my user name)

    So (ls) the following:
    (I've deleted much of the ls for conciseness.)
    kk@jjj:~$ cd Desktop

    kk@jjj:~/Desktop$ ls -l

    total 1888

    lrwxrwxrwx 1 kk kk 13 2007-05-08 15:04 MyFiles -> /home/MyFiles

    **1 How do you conceptualize MyFiles in itself?

    kk@jjj:~$ cd /

    kk@jjj:/$ ls -l

    total 104

    drwxrwxrwx 3 kk root 4096 2007-05-10 06:24 MyFiles

    **2 So here it looks like MyFiles is in root.
    Is this correct?

    kk@jjj:/$ cd home

    kk@jjj:/home$ ls -l

    total 12

    drwxrwxrwx 56 kk kk 4096 2007-05-10 06:22 kk

    drwxrwxrwx 4 kk kk 4096 2007-05-09 05:57 MyFiles

    drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2007-04-21 06:15 samba

    **3 But here MyFiles appears to be in home.

    But “ls” the / reveals the files dev, bin etc. (I believe they previously resided in “File System”).
    Also / contains Home and a MyFiles. This MyFiles has 7 other files.
    The MyFiles in Home has 13 other files.
    **4 What have I done?

    Also there is an empty kk in root and and another kk in Home that contains 79 items.
    **5 Isn't there supposed to be a”File System” in root?

    I would appreciate any comments or sources that would help me better understands these concerns.
    Thank you.

    Ubuntu 7.04

    I have 2 MyFiles 1 in the home directory

    MyFiles in the home directory is the destination of FireFox downloads. Currently it has 13 files according to its link on the desktop. But it is not there. Yet when I Places > Search for the file it is found and located in MyFiles. This has happened several times.

    I have found a duplicate MyFiles.

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