Duplicate Mails

Discussion in 'General' started by Morons, Feb 15, 2011.

  1. Morons

    Morons Member

    New Mail
    For some reson I started to get an extra copy of each mail sent to me through my ISPC 2 server.
    New Mail
    For some reson I started to get an extra copy of each mail sent to me through my ISPC 2 server.

    ^^ Exactly like that :)

    Can you help me debug? :confused:
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is this a problem of all email accounts or just this one email account?
  3. Morons

    Morons Member

    Yes I have asked and it looks like more ppl get 2 mails, however its not always the same. Sometime < 50% I get one copy. I have checked my config, virtusertable etc.. but it seem to duplicate stuff sometime.

    I cannot determine whether its only small mails or all mails I know at least all TLS sent mail like me to my wife on the same domain.

    the one comming from you was only one mail
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you switch off Mailscan for your email accounts and see if that changes anything?
  5. Morons

    Morons Member

    I never use mailscan, Its off
    my settings is
    Discard Spam
    that's it

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