Dynamic IP

Discussion in 'General' started by fer_fer, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. fer_fer

    fer_fer New Member

    Hi, I installed ISPConfig under SuSE 10.2 and have an internet connection with dynamic IP. I want to know what I should do to assign one IP and DNS´s to a site as administrator and as a reseller?, in other words wich IP should I to assign?:confused: .

    E.G. My dyndns account is jjj.homelinux.com


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    For web sites you must use the local IP address (the one you see when you run
    ). For DNS you must use your public IP address. But it's a bad idea to run a DNS server on a dynamic IP address. If I were you I'd have someone else (e.g. your domain registrar) manage your domain's DNS records.

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