OK, I have experienced this twice so I can confirm the problem. When I create a domain and add e-mail users everything is fine for about 1 week. On all e-mail users I enable the follows: mailscan, SPAM, and Antivirus. After about 1-2 weeks the account that I have enabled as "admin" starts to get blank e-mails with "No Subject and No Sender". My clients are very frustrated by this. I can turn off mailscan and this rememdies the problem but leaves "holes" open. To be safe I have adopted a new philosophy: create all my mail users with all safeguards enabled and then create an "admin" account. This seems to remedy the problem but does not seem like the proposed method of operation for the "admin" setting. If anyone has any clue to why this is happening or wants to check it out first hand I am more than willing to open up the server. TeleRiddler
I've never seen this before, and the admin account is completely independat of the other accounts. Please check your /tmp directory if you get any files or mail dumps of users there where the mailscan has stopped.
Which temp directories to clear out. Well, Once I turned off the "antivirus" option for the user, no more blank e-mails come in. Here is the header of one. Code: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.1.0 (2005-09-13) on keynes.mpsge.net X-Spam-Level: *** X-Spam-Status: No, score=3.2 required=5.0 tests=EMPTY_MESSAGE,MISSING_HEADERS, MISSING_SUBJECT,NO_RECEIVED,NO_RELAYS,TO_CC_NONE autolearn=no version=3.1.0 X-UM-Flags: \SEEN I have experienced this with another account on another domain and turning off the antivirus seemed to fix it as well. I would really like to scan the messages as they come in so leaving this turned off does not agree with me too well. Any ideas??? TeleRiddler
/tmp directory I was looking around in the /tmp directory and found a few files named mailchk.#####, where ##### is a random set of numbers. These files are all 0 bytes and thus empty. When I refer to the "admin" account. I do not mean the admin account to login to ISPConfig. I mean that I have the admin option enabled for a user under a domain in ISPConfig thus making that user the admin of the domain. I hope that clears up some confusion. TeleRiddler
No. ISPConfig uses the official trashscan script to integrate clamav with the procmail recipes. As starting point for debugging you should have a look at this first.
E-Mail Accounts "no subject and no sender" e-mails AFTER eicar tests I get the same strange empty "no subject and no sender" e-mails. It happened after doing some eicar tests. I don't know how to fix it unfortunately. ByteFighter
Before I have similar problem. It was only for the web1. I deleted the site end created again-web8. Problem solved for now. http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3460