E-mail Configuration

Discussion in 'General' started by oakleeman, Oct 30, 2006.

  1. oakleeman

    oakleeman New Member

    I know that this topic has been covered many, many times as I've been reading & re-reading the threads & documentation for several weeks now and still can't grasp how e-mail is supposed to be configured.

    I'm not a newbie to e-mail & webhosting as I've been administering a Windows based Hosting Controller/MailEnable setup for three years. MailEnable allows me to have [email protected] as the login and that's what I've become used to. I am somewhat of a newbie to Linux, but I can follow well laid out instructions such as the "Perfect Setups".

    I followed the perfect setup for Centos 4.4 on a virtual appliance in a NATed environement behind an EFW firewall. I'm using 1to1 port forwarding to get from my external IP to my internal IP. So far I'm only using web & FTP as I'm not ready to transfer DNS & email into my NAT and everything is working great.

    So on to my e-mail questions. The biggest problem I'm having is understanding how the e-mail logins are configured. I think I understand that the e-mail login ties in to a unix username.

    I'd rather not use a prefix at all, but if I happen to have two users by the name of "John Smith" and want to maintain consistency among usernames I have to have one. I've changed the prefix of my accounts from web[WEBID]_ to [DOMAIN]_. This allows me to have [email protected] & [email protected] but I think I might possibly run into problems if the combined domain name & username have more than 32 characters.

    When I configure an outlook client it doesn't let me login with these e-mail addresses, instead I have to use domain.com_jsmith as the username. This is confusing since the Squirrelmail package allows a user to login with the e-mail address. Is using the e-mail as the login not possible or did I configure something wrong? What does editing /usr/lib/sasl2/smtpd.conf accomplish?

    I installed the Squirrelmail package from ispconfig.org and am able to login with [email protected]. I send an e-mail to one of my accounts on another server and it shows up as being from [email protected]. I go back in to Squirrelmail and configure my from and reply-to options and now the test e-mail shows to be from [email protected] however the header shows the e-mail to be from domain.com_user.

    I also don't like this configuration because it requires the user to go to http://hosting.domain.com:81/squirrelmail/src/login.php to access their e-mail. The "Squirrelmail in 10 Steps" setup is close to what I'd like, but not quite. If I create a site mail.domain.com and add co-domains for every other domain that wants webmail access, is there a way to have the domain name setting in config.php be pulled from the host header value?

    If this type of setup isn't possible, are there any MailEnable-like linux e-mail products that allow domain admins to cofigure and maintain their own e-mail usernames, groups, listservs, etc from a web interface?

    If we go with an external mail application, then what is the purpose of setting the sites to "External Mailserver"?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you are the only one who adds email accounts, you can empty the username prefix field and setup usernames with your own naming scheme.

    Thats correct, squirrelmail uses domain.com_jsmith as login name too internally. You may use the email address instead of the username in squirrelmail because squirrelmail makes a lookup of the correct user in the virtusertable which outlook is not able too.

    Thats correct.

    Not without programming.

    External mailserver configures the local server to not handle mail for this domain.
  3. todvard

    todvard New Member

    You should check my post here (http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showpost.php?p=31419&postcount=14) if you would like to give webmail access to your users in mail.domain.tld form.


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