Easy question ...

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by robertlouwen, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member


    On my server I have roundcubemail but not installed in one of my web's I installed it with yum install roundcubemail.

    Roundcubemail is here /etc/usr/roundcubemail/
    Roundcubemail config files /etc/roundcubemail/
    Roundcubemail Apache config file /etc/httpd/conf.d/roundcubemail.conf

    To go to my webmail I have to go to http://something.org/webmail
    but i want it to be http://webmail.something.org

    How do I do this ?

    PS If it is something with redirect of directives please explain in dummy language ;)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Create a website webmail.something.org and install roundcube into this website.
  3. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Till,

    No, that is not what I want. I have installed RC like I mentioned and now it is accessible with something.org/webmail, something.nu/webmail and somrthing.nl/webmail and I would like ( not 100% necessary ) webmail.something.org, webmail.something.nu and webmail.something.nl.

    I am sorry to be such a pain in the ...
  4. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Try this:
    Create subdomain "webmail" in ispc and set redirection type to "L" and path to /webmail/
  5. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Croydon,

    So for every domain ( only 3 ) I create a subdomain called "webmail" and do the redirect like you explained so clear in my other question. (?)
  6. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Please try the following:

    Install the plugin:

    Create subdomain "webmail" for one domain and set redirect type to "L" and path to "/webmail/".

    Then tell me if it works ;)

    The plugin might not be necessary for you... Maybe try without it first.
  7. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Croydon,

    Like you advised first I tried without plugin, webmail.something.nu gives a dutch language error page and webmail.somethig.org gives a english language error page.

    So now your plugin I have to create a .php file named "webmail_symlink_plugin.inc.php" and in there goes the code from your last post.
    Upload it to my server on my server i will copy it to the right location and do the ln -s command

    Right ?
  8. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, but

    1. you have to ensure that /var/www/webmail exists (as symlink or real webmail directory)

    2. you have to edit the website (not the subdomain) and save it again so the new plugin will create the needed symlink inside the webdir
  9. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Croydon,

    /var/www/webmail does not exist on my server.
    Can I create a empty directory ? Or maybe better a symlink ( but how ? )
  10. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    As I am a debian user I am not 100% sure but this should do the trick:

    ln -s /etc/usr/roundcubemail /var/www/webmail
  11. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Croydon,

    webmail.something.nu gives forbidden and webmail.something.org gives not found

    Well because it is not 100% necessary ( something.x/webmail works ! )
    I want to thank you for your time and effort.
  12. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Are you 100% sure you set up the subdomain correctly? ;) It works on debian with ispc3 and the plugin for me.

    Have you edited the Main site (the one you created the subdomain for)? This is necessary, because the new plugin creates the symlinks only on update of the main site data. you can check if a symlink is present in the web directory of the website.
  13. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Croydon,

    in /var/clients/client1/web1/web - ls shows webmail in red - ls -l shows webmail in red and behind blinking /var/www/webmail
    in /var/clients/client1/web2/web and /var/clients/client2/web3 /web nothing.
    So i think the symlink for web1 is created correctly for the other ones I have to create symlinks ( just assumed that creating a symlink was for all webs )

    The subdomain was a easy one
    1. give the subdomain the name webmail
    2. domain : something.nl
    3. redirect : L
    4. redirect path /webmail/

    At the domain I disabled "own error docs" and saved.
    and still http 404.
  14. Croydon

    Croydon ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    If the "webmail" is red and the /var/www/webmail too then you did not link or install your webmail program to /var/www/webmail.
    That explains also the error 404!

    The 2 other domains cannot have this link as you have not edited them yet i assume ;)
  15. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    :eek: @ Croydon,

    If I do whereis roundcubemail ( the program I yum Installed ) it returns /usr/share/roundcubemail in this directory is a directory "program" so I have to create a new symlink pointing to this location

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