Edit Client, Edit Reseller - semantics

Discussion in 'General' started by mike_p, May 28, 2010.

  1. mike_p

    mike_p Member

    A Question of SEMANTICS.

    Within the ISPConfig3 control panel on various pages the left hand menu uses the term "Edit xxx". Actually, the link provides a list of (eg) clients or resellers or whatever.

    To a new user I think it is counter-intuitive.

    Shouldn't the link be shown as "List Clients" or "Show Client List"?

    Then on the 'list' page there should be an instruction
    "click on the client name to edit"

    If there is support for this change then I would need help with translations...
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I think "List ...." would indeed be better then "Edit ...". You should be able to change this directly from the language editor and then commit the changed language files to SVN or alternatively by editing the language file manually.

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