Would doing the following stop ispconfig from creating email accounts when creating isp users: Remove the following sections from config.inc.php in user_insert() function: Code: // User-Mail-Datei anlegen, sonst evtl. Fehler bei Autoresponder if(!$mod->system->server_conf["use_maildir"]){ if(!is_file("/var/spool/mail/".$user_username)){ $mod->log->phpcaselog(touch("/var/spool/mail/".$user_username), "create /var/spool/mail/".$user_username, $this->FILE, __LINE__); $mod->log->caselog("chown $user_username:mail /var/spool/mail/$user_username &> /dev/null", $this->FILE, __LINE__); $mod->log->caselog("chmod 600 /var/spool/mail/$user_username", $this->FILE, __LINE__); } } Code: // Mailquota, Autoresponder etc. einrichten $mod->procmail->make_forward($doc_id); $mod->procmail->make_procmailrc($doc_id); $mod->procmail->make_recipes($doc_id); Would this work? Thanks, Alex
If you leave this out, you will get errors on some distributions (whereas others work). I remember that RedHat made problems without these lines. This would just affect the creation of the procmail recipes, but not the creation of the email account.
So if i removed those lines on my opensuse server it would not create email accounts when you create an ISP user? Without errors?
It would create email accounts, but without procmail recipes, and you might get some error messages if you use mbox.
Edit /root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/classes/ispconfig_postfix.lib.php or ispconfig_sendmail.lib.php (depending on your MTA) and replace the contents of each function with Code: return true; e.g. PHP: function make_local_host_names() { return true; }
Hi, I want disable email accounts for certain users, i had a look through that file and saw the function make_virtualuserstable() It did a mysql query for users. If i was to make another collum in the sql e.g use_mail and modify the SQL query to only get users with the a 1 in the use_mail collum would this work?
Yes ,this might work. But why dont you use just the SVN version where disabling for FTP service and the selection of email domains is already included if you just want to disable email for some users?
Can you show me a screen shot of what the create user page looks like off SVN? If i used the one off SVN would i be able to replace only a few files as i have modfied ISPConfig quite a bit? How do you connect to SVN? Also where is the file that processes the data posted from ISPConfig user form? Thanks, Alex
Download this file instead: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/ispconfig/ISPConfig-2.3.1-dev.tar.gz?download
The file that Falko posted is the latest released dev version, but it does not contain the functions that I mentioned above. The latest nightly SVN build can be downloaded here: http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/ISPConfig-svn-current.tar.gz