Hi, Let's say the email [email protected] it is a spammer (it is actually so feel free to block it!). I want to block any email originating from this to multiple email servers that I got under a multi server setup. Is there a faster way instead of typing the same thing under Postfix Blacklist for each email server? If is a matter of adding an entry to a file under each server and then reload postfix would you please share the path of the file? I can then run an ansible script for example to add it. Thanks
You must add it in the database, you can use the ISPConfig datalogInsert function from ISPConfig MySQL database class to add it or use the ISPConfig remote API to add it.
Hi Till, do I need to add it to the DB in the master server only or in slaves too? I guess on the master only. Which table is the one that needs to be populated?
You add it to the master server, and it will then get copied to the slave nodes by ISPConfig. That's why it is important to use the ISPConfig API, otherwise it will not work. The remote API function is mail_blacklist_add. Example: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig...moting_client/examples/mail_blacklist_add.php