email domain spamfilter policy

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by elmacus, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    When setting the email domain spamfilter to policy 5 (kill at 5, tag2 at 3).
    The custumer email account inherits this policy, it not possible set its own spamfilter policy.
    From 3.1 manual:
    Please note that this setting overrides the spamfilter setting of the mail domain (no matter what spamfilter level you chose for the mail domain; this is true even if you disabled the spamfilter for the mail domain), with one exception: If you choose to not enable the spamfilter for this email account, but the spamfilter is enabled for the mail domain, then the spamfilter setting of the mail domain is
    used for this email account.

    My test shows that this is not true in our system.
    Can you confirm that the manual is correct ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The manual should be correct, at least it works that way on my servers and test systems. The policy that gets applied is set in spamfilter user/domain and amavis fetches it from there by honoring the priority in that table. When you enable debugging in amavis then you should see which policy it uses, but be aware that amavis writes a huge load of info into the mail.log then.

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