Email: imap & pop3 issues ".maildir: No such file or directory"? Hi, I am using Gentoo and ISPConfig v2 and installed as per the perfect sever - Gentoo 2007.0 guide and have almost got everything working. One of those things not working is my email. As yet I have not been able to make a succesful connection using an email client like Outlook Express (any links to client guides welcome!) or webmail. The only webmail I have tried is SquirrelMail which reported to install correctly and I can access the login page but I recieve the error: ERROR: ERROR: IMAP server closed the connection. Server responded:* BYE [ALERT] Fatal error: .maildir: No such file or directory If I check my logs I see the following entries: Code: Aug 4 18:16:37 wellesley imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:] Aug 4 18:16:37 wellesley imapd: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:] Aug 4 18:17:11 wellesley imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:] Aug 4 18:17:11 wellesley imapd: chdir .maildir: No such file or directory Does anyone have any suggestions? I have already sent an email to my account and can see my user account directory in /var/www/web9/user and the Maildir has been created automatically within it. I have even tried creating a soft link (ln -s Maildir .maildir) for .maildir to Maildir but to no avail. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or what I can check? Any suggestions appreciated. Many thanks.
Hi Till, Thanks for your reply. I forgot to say that I have already checked / enabled this. Anything else I can check? Cheers.
Hi, Maildir is created when a user receives his first mail, so if user has not received any mail after you configured it on server, there would not be Maildir. You just need to send a welcome mail to the user, as soon as he receives it, respective Maildir would be created. Dipesh
Hi dipeshmehta, thanks for your reply. It's weird because I've heard that a few times now but even though emails have been received no .maildir directories seem to get created. Only a Maildir link does. It's not a major issues, manually creating the soft links (as long a you put it in the right directory!) does the job. I also needed to add my LAN IP addresses to the mynetworks variable in /etc/postfix/ and that was it, my email was working! Thanks for all help received.
Automate '.maildir' soft-link to Mairdir Hi all, Does anyone know how I can automate the creation of a '.maildir' soft-link pointing to the 'Maildir' folder within the same directory? For some reason this does not happen. I think this is a Gentoo specific issue ( Manually creating one everytime anyone creates a new email address is a bit of a bane actually!! Cheers!
You can e.g. try to extend the .procmail.rc file for the email accounts to test for this symlink and to create it if it dont exist. The master template for the .procmail.rc file is /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/procmailrc.master