I have set up a "Perfect Server" wit ISPconfig according to the tutorial on a vServer, where I moved 6 Wordpress Websites for 4 clients to. I am not n expert for mail configuration or issues related, so I didn't want to run mail service for the domains, but I want the Websites to send mail from the contact forms - I just can't get that working. I had it going well on the previous server (stretch), but now I can't even send mail from the CLI. Most probably it is a configuration problem, as postfix is running. I also ran the htf-common-issues.php script - the output is attached. Any help will be appreciated.
Please have a look into the /var/log/mail.log file to see which errors occur there when you send an email. My guess is that amavisd is not started. try to restart it with: services amavisd-new restart Btw. the most common problem with amavis is a wrong hostname, the command: hostname -f must return a fully qualified domain name like server.yourdomain.tld and not something like just "server1".
Thanks, it worked - don't know what happened. Actually, looking back, all the email notifications worked Ok, but suddenly stopped. There was a faulty entry in the /etc/hosts, too, but it looks like it had been the amavisd-service. I guess we can close the thread. Thanks again, and stay safe.
A faulty entry in /etc/hosts can cause amavis to fail, so that was probably the reason for the issue.