Email sent to CC are not being delivered

Discussion in 'General' started by shawnbishop, Feb 19, 2008.

  1. shawnbishop

    shawnbishop New Member

    Good Day

    I seem to have a strange problem...

    If I send a mail to a user, TO address and then add another mail address under the CC, the emails are not delivered, it seems to disappear into the blue yonder...

    Even if I send the mail with the TO : [email protected] and CC : [email protected], that is the same domain the CC recipient never receives it??
    as well as when the CC : [email protected].

    Where should I look??, the mail has not gone into the Junk or SPAM folders I have checked

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post the lines that appear in your mail log file when you sent a email with CC.

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