email with idn creates wrong folders ?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by elmacus, Mar 5, 2019.

  1. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    We have some IDN domains like: webåäö.com
    When creating in ispconfig we use:
    Website work. But email is different.
    In /var/vmail two folders is created, one /var/vmail/webåäö.com with content, and one empty /var/vmail/
    Due to this we get alot of warnings email (cirka 20) like:
    05.03.2019-11:19 - WARNING - Action aborted, file is a symlink: /var/vmail/webåäö.com
    Also you cant change spamfilter for domain, probably same error that webåäö.com is used, when it always should use for files.
    Activate DKIM does not save the DNS TXT record either.
    Probably a bug.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Works fine here in ISPConfig 3.1.13, just tested that. IDN domain get entered in ISPConfig like this 'webåäö.com' and are converted automatically by ispconfig using the intl extension in PHP. Maybe you do not have the php intl extension installed?

    Attached Files:

    elmacus likes this.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I can confirm the spamfilter issue though, but that's listed in the bug tracker already, if I remember correctly. But I'll check it and addit if it's not there.
    elmacus likes this.
  4. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    You are correct. This server did not have php-intl installed, i have missed.
    But DKIM still fails to add public key to zone.
    Thanks for quick reply.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, I'll add it to the bug tracker and do some further tests.
    elmacus likes this.
  6. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    Strangely this server without php-intl had correctly created folders one year ago. So its mixed results, ie missing php-intl can still work in some cases it seems. Or some dist-upgrade removed this php-intl, i always install it.

    Now of to check all servers ;-)
  7. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    Actually i find servers with php-intl installed, that recently have idn domains with 3 folders created.

    Also a variant there webåäö its a graphic sign, looks like diamond (utf8 converted?).

    The email domain is installed manually and email acccount, everything looks ok: /var/vmail/

    But after change to the email domain (that has now no spamfilter to any filter) the folder /var/vmail/webåäö.com is created and the account is automoved there.

    Then again go in to email account to change the spamfilter, the account and files is moved again back to /var/vmail/, so thats good.

    You can now have two accounts but in diffrent folders depending on on what spamfilter you changed.

    So when you now send via Roundcube between accounts from [email protected] to test2@webåäö.com the folder with diamond is created in /var/vmail/web&&&.com ( & to symbol diamond), and you after this have TWO test2 accounts, now it fails total for custumer.

    Sending from accounts when in correct folder /var/vmail/ from [email protected] to [email protected] works, no errors.

    So its not only bug when changing spamfilter in DOMAIN, but also when Roundcube sends emails to webåäö.com and login to account when its in /var/vmail/webåäö.com , it clones the folders and when you login again to roundcube after changes, you can only see the web&&&.com mails. The old mails is not visible.

    This is tested on trail accounts, i dont dare to test on custumers. This is tested on server and controlllpanel where php-intl is installed.

    TLDR: if you change spamfilter OR dkim on Email Domain, you must go to each Email Account and set spamfilter again to get back to working state.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I'll check that.
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    elmacus likes this.
  10. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    I will test this code tomorrow.
    Thanks for quick fix.
  11. elmacus

    elmacus Active Member

    After adding these two files to the controllpanel server, everything works as expected on first try.
    Even adding DKIM after and then sending, arrives with correct DKIM validation, DNS TXT-record is correctly added.
    Roundcube seems to work.
    So hopefully you can backort this to 3.1.14 ?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thank you for verifying the fix! This code is already in 3.1.14 (or to be more accurate, in the stable-3.1 branch which will become 3.1.14).
    elmacus likes this.

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