Hi everyone, so this is my last resort, I've tried all, and emails keep going to spam on hotmail and gmail. not sure why. Here is a report of my email setup, all seems to be green/passed, but emails still go into spam. Any ideas ? Report. https://www.unlocktheinbox.com/mail-tester/7qaklfuuAEM=/ ( UPDATED ) Thanks, AH
Not sure if this might be the issue SpamAssassin Score: 3.758 Message is NOT marked as spam Points breakdown: 0.0 URIBL_BLOCKED ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE: The query to URIBL was blocked. See http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/DnsBlocklists#dnsbl-block for more information. [URIs: dkimvalidator.com] 0.0 HTML_MESSAGE BODY: HTML included in message 1.0 HTML_IMAGE_ONLY_16 BODY: HTML: images with 1200-1600 bytes of words 0.1 DKIM_SIGNED Message has a DKIM or DK signature, not necessarily valid 0.0 T_DKIM_INVALID DKIM-Signature header exists but is not valid 2.5 PHP_ORIG_SCRIPT Sent by bot & other signs 0.1 TO_IN_SUBJ To address is in Subject
Does that mean you actually don't have a problem, or ?? (where did that spamassassin breakdown come from? I don't think gmail does that, dunno about hotmail) Suggestions to try add your sending address to your gmail/hotmail address book drag your messages out of the spam folder and into your inbox on each service ensure your mail server has proper forward/reverse dns names setup create spf records for your domain(s) and ensure you're signing your mail with dkim; maybe even create a dmarc record check if your server is on any blacklists and/or check its reputation (eg. at senderscore.org) and get those issues cleaned up if there's a problem (eg. your server may be an open relay or a source of spam from websites or compromised accounts - you'll need to identify and fix such issues)