I'm looking to enable DKIM by remote api. I can see the file mail_domain_dkim_create.php. What values would need to passed to do this? Or if anyone has a custom api, I'd be very grateful.
AFAIK there is currently no function to create the dkim-keys. But you can create the key-pair yourself and insert the values using the remote-api für a maildomain. Code: function pub_key($pubkey) { $public_key=''; foreach($pubkey as $values) $public_key=$public_key.$values."\n"; return $public_key; } function get_public_key($private_key, $dkim_strength) { exec('echo '.escapeshellarg($private_key).'|openssl rsa -pubout -outform PEM 2> /dev/null',$pubkey,$result); $public_key=pub_key($pubkey); return $public_key; } $dkim_strength = 1024; $rnd_val = $dkim_strength * 10; exec('openssl rand -out ../../temp/random-data.bin '.$rnd_val.' 2> /dev/null', $output, $result); exec('openssl genrsa -rand ../../temp/random-data.bin '.$dkim_strength.' 2> /dev/null', $privkey, $result); unlink("../../temp/random-data.bin"); foreach($privkey as $values) $private_key=$private_key.$values."\n"; $public_key=get_public_key($private_key, $dkim_strength);