hello till, hello friends, it is possible to set wildcard ipv6 to [::] - the same way like ipv4 to *? i need to nginx will listen to *:80; [::]:80; *:443 ssl; [::]:443 ssl; or i am able to set ipv4 and ipv6 address trought administration, but i can not assign this ip to only 1 client but for all the clients maybe there is an another way i do not know thanks for your time,
i have tried to edit section ipv6 in line 129 /ispconfig/interface/web/sites/web_domain_edit.php default value: PHP: $ip_select = "<option value=''></option>"; updated value: PHP: $ip_select = ($web_config['enable_ip_wildcard'] == 'y')?"<option value='::'>::</option>":""; but that is not works = this select for ipv6 is not available under sites