Please enter your MySQL server:localhost OK Please enter your MySQL user:root Please enter your MySQL password: Please enter a name for the ISPConfig database (e.g. db_ispconfig): Please enter a name for the ISPConfig database (e.g. db_ispconfig):db_ispconfig Please enter the IP address of the ISPConfig web (e.g. OK Please enter the host name (e.g. www):www The last one gets me. I have a second server which I call server2. It has a complete install of ISPConfig and acts as my secondary DNS server. I used www as the value on the first server, strictly as a result of seeing this default text AND not knowing if this is some MySQL convention. Will someone explain the logic of this host name and recommend the host name?
Hi Tom, the hostname is not used for mysql. It is the hostname that you use to connect to your server. Example: Your server address is: Then enter in the installer: host name: server1 domain: The installer tries to ping "", so make sure that the addres is connected and points to the IP of your server.