ERD Diagramme for ISPConfig DB

Discussion in 'General' started by mxc, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. mxc

    mxc Member

    Hi there,

    Is there an ERD diagramme of the database, its enitites and relationships anyware?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, we dont have a DB diagram yet. But there are several posts in the forums where I explained the dependencys of several tables.
  3. mxc

    mxc Member

    thanks I will have a look. I want to be able to write a DNS entry into the database and have ispconfig auto-generate the zone files agains to create the soa record needed for domain registration.

    Do I just need to insert a record in dns_isp_dns table and then restart ispconfig?

    I will later go through and create the web site or do I need to do this at the same time. Is this possible? I know the remoting framework only works on the unstable branch and would like to get this working on the stable one.

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. You will also ahve to insert a record in the dns_nodes table which contains the permissions. To add A, C-Name and MX-records, you will also have to use the dns_dep table together with the tables for the A, C-Name and MX records.

    The remoting framework works also with the ISPConfig stable version when you enable XML in the compile script that compiles the ISPConfig PHP. We did not enable it yet in the stable branch because you will have to install the libxml2-dev package from your linux distro first.

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