ERP Tutorial for The Perfect Server - Debian Squeeze & ISPConfig3 crowd

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by tazmon95, Mar 20, 2011.

  1. tazmon95

    tazmon95 New Member


    I recently upgraded my server and have a couple more I'm adding in as mirrors in the near future. One of the applications/sites I'd like to run on my servers is an ERP solution, either OpenBravo, Adempiere, PostBooks by xTuple, or OpenERP.

    I've looked around the web & HowToForge but haven't found anything about installing one of these on the same system as ISPConfig3 is installed. The main questions I have about it are the dependencies required by all of them, for example, java, python, tomcat, postgresql, etc. and how these would interact on a multi-host ISPConfig3 setup?

    I think a tutorial going through the process of setting something like this up would be extremely useful for many people.

  2. nedlilly

    nedlilly New Member

    For xTuple, the only dependency is PostgreSQL. There's no middle tier, or other server-side components at all.

    If you have an existing PostgreSQL install, you can just load one of the .backup files, and point a GUI client at it.

    There's also an all-in-one installer, but it's really meant for demo/evaluation environments where the client and the database are on the same machine.


    Visit the xTuple Community site

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