ERROR 403 after create site using sites_web_domain_add

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by chuvantai, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. chuvantai

    chuvantai New Member

    i've read this topic to automate create users and website using remoting framework.
    here is my code
    // Add client
    $params_client = array(        'server_id' => 1,
    'company_name' => $company,
    'contact_name' => $fullname,
    'customer_no' => '111',
    'username' =>$username,
    'password' =>$password,
    'language' =>'en',
    'usertheme' =>'default',
    'street' =>$street,
    'zip' =>'',
    'city' =>'',
    'state' =>'non-US',
    'country' =>'VN',
    'telephone' =>$telephone,
    'mobile' =>'',
    'fax' =>'',
    'email' =>$email,
    'internet' =>'',
    'icq' =>'',
    'vat_id' =>'',
    'notes' =>'',  
    'template_master' => '0',
    'template_additional' =>'',
    'default_mailserver' =>'1',
    'limit_maildomain' =>'1',
    'limit_mailbox' =>'10',
    'limit_mailalias' =>'10',
    'limit_mailaliasdomain' =>'10',
    'limit_mailforward' =>'10',
    'limit_mailcatchall' =>'10',
    'limit_mailrouting' => '10',
    'limit_mailfilter' =>'10',
    'limit_fetchmail' =>'10',
    'limit_mailquota' =>'10',
    'limit_spamfilter_wblist' =>'-1',
    'limit_spamfilter_user' =>'-1',
    'limit_spamfilter_policy' =>'-1',
    'default_webserver' =>'1',
    'limit_web_quota' =>'100',
    'limit_web_domain' =>'10',
    'web_php_options' =>"suphp",
    'limit_web_aliasdomain' =>'-1',
    'limit_web_subdomain' =>'-1',
    'limit_ftp_user' =>'-1',
    'limit_shell_user' =>'-1',
    'ssh_chroot' =>'no',
    'limit_webdav_user' =>'1',
    'default_dnsserver' =>'1',
    'limit_dns_zone' =>'-1',
    'limit_dns_slave_zone' =>'-1',
    'limit_dns_record' =>'-1',
    //'limit_client' =>'0',
    'default_dbserver' =>'1',
    'limit_database' =>'-1',
    'limit_cron' =>'0',
    'limit_cron_type' =>'',
    'limit_traffic_quota' =>'-1',
    'limit_cron_frequency' =>'-1');
    $client_id $client->client_add($session_id$reseller_id$params_client);
    // Add website
    mysql_select_db($dbispconfig) or die("Cannot select database");
    $tablename         "web_domain";
    $next_increment     0;
    $qShowStatus         "SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$tablename'";
    $qShowStatusResult     mysql_query($qShowStatus) or die ( "Query failed: " mysql_error() . "<br/>" $qShowStatus );
    $row mysql_fetch_assoc($qShowStatusResult);
    $next_increment $row['Auto_increment'];

    $domain_id $next_increment;
    //Now we need to generate doc root and apache basedir etc. as well... Nothing works without them
                    //Document root
    $document_root "/var/www/clients/client".$client_id."/web".$domain_id;
    //system user
    $system_user "web".$domain_id;
    //system group
    $system_group 'client'.$client_id;
    //This stuff comes from config usually in ISPCP - We don't want to do a hard include to their config so rather we generate it here
    //Do the update  
                                //     /var/www/clients/client0/web13/web:/var/www/clients/client0/web13/tmp:/var/www/xxx.xx/web:/srv/www/xxx.xx/web:/usr/share/php5:/tmp:/usr/share/phpmyadmin:/etc/phpmyadmin:/var/lib/phpmyadmin
    $params_website = array('server_id' => 1,
    'ip_address' => '*',
    'domain' => $domain,
    'type' => 'vhost',
    'parent_domain_id' => '',
    'vhost_type' => 'name',
    'hd_quota' => '50',
    'traffic_quota' => '1000',
    'cgi' =>'n',
    'ssi' =>'n',
    'suexec' =>'n',
    'errordocs' =>'1',
    'subdomain' =>'www',
    'ssl' =>'n',
    'php' =>"mod",
    'ruby' =>'n',
    'active' =>'y',
    'redirect_type' =>'no',
    'redirect_path' =>'',
    'ssl_state' =>'',
    'ssl_organisation' =>'',
    'ssl_organisation_unit' =>'',
    'ssl_country' =>'',
    'ssl_domain' =>$domain,
    'ssl_request' =>'',
    'ssl_cert' =>'',
    'ssl_bundle' =>'',
    'ssl_action' =>'',
    //'stats_password' =>$password,
    'stats_password' =>'',
    'stats_type' =>'webalizer',
    'backup_interval' =>'monthly',
    'backup_copies' =>'1',
    'document_root' =>$document_root,
    'system_user' =>$system_user,
    'system_group' =>$system_group,
    'allow_override' =>'All',
    'php_open_basedir' =>$php_open_basedir,
    'custom_php_ini' =>''
    'apache_directives' =>'',
    'client_group_id' =>$client_id+1
    $website_id $client->sites_web_domain_add($session_id$client_id$params_website);
    everything seems fine.

    but when I browse to my client site, server responds 403 error page
    Error log:
    root@hostth5c:/var/www/ less error.log 
    [Mon Nov 01 12:20:16 2010] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /
    [Mon Nov 01 12:35:18 2010] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /
    Virtual Host Configuration
    Thanks and sorry for my bad english :D
  2. chuvantai

    chuvantai New Member

    Somebody help me please :((

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