System has been running for months, and was built with the Deb12 perfect server script. The server auto patches nightly so is fully patched. PHP version is 8.2.20. IspConfig is v3.2.11p2 Until recently, I've not needed PhpMyAdmin, so never tried to use it (yes, I recognize the err of my ways). I have fixed the apparently common tmp directory issue, however I'm stuck on figuring out why /phpmyadmin complains with an err 403 and wont let me access any links. The default configuration is in effect: PHPMyAdmin URL: (server name redacted):8081/phpmyadmin (though it also responds on port 8080, and the individual domain defined on the server at (domain redacted)/phpmyadmin ) Disable DB Remote sections for Clients: (unchecked) The userids/passwords being used to log into pma are valid (checked by logging into the cli) However any link clicked after logging into pma results with the pink/red error box saying: Error in processing request Error Code: 403 Error text: error (rejected) It seems that the connection to the server has been lost. Please check your network connectivity and server status. I thought perhaps that it was a permission issue on /usr/share/phpmyadmin as all the files are root:root, but on a different machine, running ispconfig v3.2.11 (no patches) on Deb 11 is working fine with the same install ownership. (of course security may be tighter on Deb 12... please advise if so) In term of what the access.log is saying... its not every access returning a 403, but I cant discern a pattern. POST and GET requests return 403 and 200 responses For example, themes/pmahomme/img/ajax_clock_small.gif returns a 403 root@apollo:/usr/share/phpmyadmin# ll themes/pmahomme/img/ total 768 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1810 Feb 7 2023 ajax_clock_small.gif -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 101 Feb 7 2023 arrow_ltr.png ... themes/pmahomme/css/theme.css returns a 200 root@apollo:/usr/share/phpmyadmin# ll themes/pmahomme/css/ total 764 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 357367 Feb 7 2023 theme.css -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 61064 Feb 7 2023 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 357479 Feb 7 2023 theme.rtl.css Im very confused over what its complaining about.
Start with this: Was it built following ISPConfig perfect server guide or using the autoinstall script? What patches are you installing on your server?
I always use an autoinstall script. Though if I recall (fuzzily as the server was set up a few months back) there were a few manual steps afterwards. Unfortunately my Chrome history only goes back to the end of March and timestamps on files on the server suggest a February install, so I can't point to a specific webpage that I followed. Apt auto updates are applied nightly Again, the IspConfig base server is running fine, except the suplimentary PhpMyAdmin (and as I've just checked, roundcube), so lets call this as it is, its the suplimentary apps. Following this train, I've seen that a common problem is not having the Apache user in the appropriate groups, however I dont think that is the case here Code: ispapps:x:5003:www-data ispconfig:x:5004:www-data Other solutions include hostname/hostname -f being incorrect, and they are fine. The debug script you suggest indicates the ip address is not discernable, however it most certainly is set properly It is set via OVH's cloud init process. That was the only warning in the report. No errors were flagged.
Quite confusing on how to resolve if there is no errors logged. Anyway, I no longer use apt to install PMA for quite some times and would remove the same in my old servers but I use PMA manual install and auto update via @Th0m script which in my personal experience is better: