Error 403 Forbidden for a site added by ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mezelf, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. mezelf

    mezelf Member

    I am running ISPConfig v3.1.5 on Debian 8.8 which has Apache v2.4.10
    I have several sites on my Apache server. I had added them via ISPConfig a year ago. I now tried to add a new wordpress site. I am getting "ERROR 403 - Forbidden!" message of ISPConfig when I type in this new site domain in the web browser.

    Basically I have followed this: I added a new site via ISPConfig. When I tried to access the domain, it gave a normal new site message. When I check the /web directory I saw there usual placeholder 5 files created by ISPConfig. Then I have unzipped Wordpress files to this directory from the root user and changed the owner/group to that of those files/directories created by ISPConfig. But then I am getting this 403 error.

    I am checking the files, directories, their permissions and compare with those of the working sites and they seem identical.
    I appreciate any help!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Check if you have php enabled in that website in ISPConfig. PHP mode should be set to php-fpm or php-fcgi.

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