Error 403 - Forbidden

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by zufop, May 31, 2015.

  1. zufop

    zufop New Member

    Hi to all and thanks in advantage,

    The client has given me access to the ISPConfig 3 hosting control panel.
    I have created a website following these same exact steps:
    Settings can be seen here:

    I configured the FTP user and got access to the website. I upload a simple index.html to the ‘web’ folder file to test it and when loading the page this is the error I get:

    The index.html file is set to 777 permissions.
    The user pointed the domain to this server (domain is in other service) on friday and I’m still getting this error.

    The thing is that there is already other site that works on this server which is this one:
    As you can see it is configured exactly as the one I’m configuring now but it doesn't give the 403 error.

    Any idea what could be the problem here? How can I solve this?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Take a look into the error.log of the website.
  3. zufop

    zufop New Member

    I have just opened the file in log > error.log
    The file is empty.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then you probably see the a apge form a different site. Please check the dns that the domain really points to the Ip of the server and that there are no typos in the domain name.

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