Error 500 but domain error.log is empty

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by mircsicz, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. mircsicz

    mircsicz New Member

    Hi all,

    I'm pretty new to ISPconfig. Just installed two fresh server's migrated and a dozen Domains.
    My Setup is Jessie with NginX & MariaDB. Works great so far for all but one domain.
    The Settings in that specific Domain seem to be same as with the other's. Most of the domain's run Contao with Version's from 3.2.21 up to 3.4.x
    As the domains error.log and php5-fpm.log are empty there's nothing to post here. And I've already double-checked on the perm's in the web folder, so I'm lost and need a hint!

    Thanks in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please take a look inti the directory /etc/nginx/sites-available/ if there is an .err file for this website. Then you might compare the vhost file of a working and non working site if there are any differences, maybe the non working site links to a php-fpm version that is not fully working or something like that.

    Another option is that this error is thrown by contao, go to the website settings and ensure that custom error pages are not enabled as this would show you the html error page from this site instead of the dynamically created one from contao.
  3. mircsicz

    mircsicz New Member

    Thx for the fast reply till!

    I was just about to post my config and state that the sock file is fine. After your hint I disabled "Own Error Documents" and got a Contao Error...

    I'll report back what issue Contao had!

    I thought I had already changed DB name and user, but I did not! And as those value's are case-sensitive... ;-)

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