ERROR 500 - Internal Server Error!

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Robertus, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. Robertus

    Robertus Member

    I am getting an error 500 on all the Wordpress websites on my VPS. I have already restarted my server. Also I have restarted HTTPD and Mariadb to see if there where errors. Any ideas where to start troubleshooting?
    I use Centos 7.4 with ISP config

  2. Robertus

    Robertus Member

    Ok I panicked for some minutes, I thought the server was hacked. In phpmy-admin I couldn't open the tables of any site. Then I looked in the apache error log, there it said no space left on device. PFFF, I added 10G fast, now all is working again.
    till likes this.

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