Error 500 when trying to install php script

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by cruz, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. cruz

    cruz New Member

    I am trying to install my php script. I got the server working . I set up the site and can see it when I enter the domain in my browser outside of the firewall. I uploaded the script to the site in a folder called dsb2. I first tryed to upload it in the root file, but the whole site stoped working. I realy want it so there is no dsb2 file, but am new to how to get it to work without the sub folder.The info from the script told me to enter then It is supose to show a hyperlink that has install, but it is giving me an error 500. The requested URL caused an internal server error. I tryed to move the file .htaccess to the root file (web) but when I do that nothing works. Can you please help me?
  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    It's most probably a line Optioins +Followsymlinks in your .htaccess
    Tru removing it if so.

    If not, try removing line by line from the .htaccess file, and see what line is causing the error.
  3. cruz

    cruz New Member

    removing lines

    Can I use # to removing the line in the .htaccess?
  4. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Yes you can.
  5. cruz

    cruz New Member

    mod .htaccess

    it worked. I commented out all but the first line. then it worked. Here is the file.
    DirectoryIndex index.php
    #Options -Indexes
    #php_flag file_uploads on
    #php_flag session.use_cookies on
    #php_flag register_globals off
    #php_flag session.use_trans_sid off
    #php_value include_path "."
    #php_value error_reporting 2047
    #php_flag display_errors off
    Wil it hurt not to have these active? I had this script running on another LAMP and I did not have to comment out the lnes. What causes this to hapen? Also, when I uploaded the files to the server I used winSCP3 and had to use root access to upload them. now the filders belong to root. will this be ok? I tryed to use the user name and password from when I made the website in ingconfig but it would not log on under that program. I am very new to most of this stuff. thanks for the help. Any exsplaing on how and why's would be greatly helpful.
  6. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    If you use ISPconfig than try adding it to the site's Apache Directives.
    You will find the Apache Directives in the ISP Site > basis (at the bottom)
    Make sure you uncomment the lines again.
  7. cruz

    cruz New Member

    apache dirtectives

    how do I add it? ISPconfig? enter this in the apache directives? Then I can uncomment out the lines after entering it? Sorry kind of new to this. Just want to do it right.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, that's right. :)
  9. cruz

    cruz New Member

    added ispconfig

    I added the string ispconfig in the apaches directives and removed the # from the .htaccess file and tryed to bring up the website in the browser and got the same error as when I started. Help!!
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What exactly did you enter? Any errors in Apache's error log?
  11. cruz

    cruz New Member

    entered this

    i entered (ispconnfig) in the box were I was told. Also Were is the apache log files at? I looked in var> log and can not find it. I am using debian 4.0.
  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, but what did you enter?

    They are in /var/log/apache2.
  13. cruz

    cruz New Member


    that is what I entered in the box.
    There is nothing in apache2. it is empty.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2007
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Why did you enter ispconfig in the Apache Directives field? I thought you wanted to enter something like
    DirectoryIndex index.php
    #Options -Indexes
    #php_flag file_uploads on
    #php_flag session.use_cookies on
    #php_flag register_globals off
    #php_flag session.use_trans_sid off
    #php_value include_path "."
    #php_value error_reporting 2047
    #php_flag display_errors off
    ispconfig is no Apache directive...
    What's the output of
    ls -la /var/log/apache2
  15. cruz

    cruz New Member

    the Apache Directives

    Dose the Apache Directives field replace the .htaccess ? If I do enter the lines from the .htaccess to the Directives Field, do I remove the .htaccess from the script?
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


  17. cruz

    cruz New Member

    thank you

    I wanted to say thank you for your reply. I always get good info from you.

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