Error accessing ISPconfig control panel

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by xanela, May 29, 2017.

  1. xanela

    xanela Member

    Hello everyone.
    I have had a problem on my ISPCONFIG main server.
    So I am trying to access my secondary server. Since I have the servers configured in clusters.
    But when I try to access the ISPconfig panel using the ip of the secondary server I can not access it.
    I do not know what I can do to enter and be able to reconfigure my web server.
    Thank you very much for your help
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Is the ISPConfig interface installed and enabled in apache / nginx web config on the second server?
    2) In a ISPConfig mirror, you have a dbispconfig1 and dbispconfig2 database on each server, both are mirrored with mysql replications between the two servers. On the second server, the mysql config in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/ has to point to dbispconfig2 database on localhost while the file /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/ has to point to dbispconfig1 on localhost. This is nescessary as the interface must always connect to the primary DB while the server part always connects to the database of the current server.
  3. xanela

    xanela Member

    My server has installed apache2

    The configuration file is as follows:
    // ** Database
    $ Conf ['db_type'] = 'mysql';
    $ Conf ['db_host'] = 'localhost';
    $ Conf ['db_database'] = 'dbispconfig2';
    $ Conf ['db_user'] = 'ispconfig2';
    $ Conf ['db_password'] = '97 ************ ';
    $ Conf ['db_charset'] = 'utf8'; // same character set as html-charset - (HTML -> MYSQL: "utf-8" -> "utf8", "iso-8859-1" -> "latin1")
    $ Conf ['db_new_link'] = false;
    $ Conf ['db_client_flags'] = 0;
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There are two different files, one for the interface and one for the server part. The above file is fine for the server part, but not for the interface part. The one for the interface part must be identical to the interface file of the master server.
  5. xanela

    xanela Member

    Could you tell me how I should proceed? Since I can not pick up my web services? thank you very much
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I described the steps in post #2. The first thing is to check if you enabled the web interface and the second step is to ensure that the interface config file on the second server is correct.
  7. xanela

    xanela Member

    si tengo acceso a la web del panel, para acceder a ispconfig.
    Pero al intentar acceder me indica que el usuario y la contraseña no son correctos.
    Pero no se si es un problema de usuario y contraseña o otro tipo de problema.
  8. xanela

    xanela Member

    I checked the two files. I think they are fine but I still can not access. The files have the following database configuration


    //** Database
    $conf['db_type'] = 'mysql';
    $conf['db_host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['db_database'] = 'dbispconfig1';
    $conf['db_user'] = 'ispconfig';
    $conf['db_password'] = 'c80*******d64549';
    $conf['db_charset'] = 'utf8'; // same charset as html-charset - (HTML --> MYSQL: "utf-8" --> "utf8", "iso-8859-1" --> "latin1")
    $conf['db_new_link'] = false;
    $conf['db_client_flags'] = 0;


    //** Database
    $conf['db_type'] = 'mysql';
    $conf['db_host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['db_database'] = 'dbispconfig2';
    $conf['db_user'] = 'ispconfig2';
    $conf['db_password'] = '97c02********ce54348e';
    $conf['db_charset'] = 'utf8'; // same charset as html-charset - (HTML --> MYSQL: "utf-8" --> "utf8", "iso-8859-1" --> "latin1")
    $conf['db_new_link'] = false;
    $conf['db_client_flags'] = 0;
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's ok. And what about the web server config, see #2 part 1? do you have a link to the ispconfig.vhost file in the sites-enabled folder or apache / nginx?
  10. xanela

    xanela Member

    sorry i sent before secondary web server config, now i send you again two server config, main server and secondary server. On top of that tell you that secondary server has the ispconfig.vhost & ispconfig.conf files

    FILE .........................../usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/
    //** Database
    $conf['db_type'] = 'mysql';
    $conf['db_host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['db_database'] = 'dbispconfig1';
    $conf['db_user'] = 'ispconfig';
    $conf['db_password'] = 'c80a********9d64549';
    $conf['db_charset'] = 'utf8'; // same charset as html-charset - (HTML --> MYSQL$
    $conf['db_new_link'] = false;
    $conf['db_client_flags'] = 0;

    FILE ........................../usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/
    //** Database
    $conf['db_type'] = 'mysql';
    $conf['db_host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['db_database'] = 'dbispconfig1';
    $conf['db_user'] = 'ispconfig';
    $conf['db_password'] = 'c80******d64549';
    $conf['db_charset'] = 'utf8'; // same charset as html-charset - (HTML --> MYSQL$
    $conf['db_new_link'] = false;
    $conf['db_client_flags'] = 0;

    secondary SERVER CONFIG
    FILE ........................../usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/
    //** Database
    $conf['db_type'] = 'mysql';
    $conf['db_host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['db_database'] = 'dbispconfig1';
    $conf['db_user'] = 'ispconfig';
    $conf['db_password'] = 'c80*******d64549';
    $conf['db_charset'] = 'utf8'; // same charset as html-charset - (HTML --> MYSQL: "utf-8" --> "utf8", "iso-8859-1" --> "latin1")
    $conf['db_new_link'] = false;
    $conf['db_client_flags'] = 0;

    FILE ....................../usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/
    //** Database
    $conf['db_type'] = 'mysql';
    $conf['db_host'] = 'localhost';
    $conf['db_database'] = 'dbispconfig2';
    $conf['db_user'] = 'ispconfig2';
    $conf['db_password'] = '97c02********ce54348e';
    $conf['db_charset'] = 'utf8'; // same charset as html-charset - (HTML --> MYSQL: "utf-8" --> "utf8", "iso-8859-1" --> "latin1")
    $conf['db_new_link'] = false;
    $conf['db_client_flags'] = 0;
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The config files look fine now. Please check the web server (post #9) now.
  12. xanela

    xanela Member

    hi Till, thakns again for your help, the answer to your question is yes, in both of servers exist the link to the ispconfig.vhost file in the sites-enabled folder. another possibility?
    thanks a lot.
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can check with 'apache2ctl -S' command to see if the ispconfig vhost is loaded and listening on port 8080 on the second server.
  14. xanela

    xanela Member

    I have managed to repair the main server.
    From the main server I enter correctly to the control panel of ISPconfig, but from the mirror server I still can not access.
    On the other hand I have noticed that replication of the main server is not working in the mirror.
    I can not understand what may be happening.
    any ideas?
  15. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

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