ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by wabz, Aug 26, 2009.

  1. wabz

    wabz New Member

    Any solutions for the following error
    ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

    My squirrelmail config.php files looks like this


    * Default SquirrelMail configuration file
    * Don't edit this file directly. Copy it to config.php before you
    * edit it. However, it is best to use the configuration script
    * if at all possible. That is the easiest and cleanest way
    * to configure.
    * Note on SECURITY: some options require putting a password in this file.
    * Please make sure that you adapt its permissions appropriately to avoid
    * passwords being leaked to e.g. other system users. Take extra care when
    * the webserver is shared with untrusted users.
    * @copyright &copy; 2000-2009 The SquirrelMail Project Team
    * @license GNU Public License
    * @version $Id: config_default.php 13537 2009-04-13 16:52:57Z jervfors $
    * @package squirrelmail
    * @subpackage config

    /* Do not change this value. */
    global $version;
    global $config_version;
    $config_version = '1.4.0';

    /*** Organization preferences ***/
    * Organization's name
    * @global string $org_name
    $org_name = "Uganda Water and Sanitation NGO Network";

    * Organization's logo picture (blank if none)
    * @global string $org_logo
    $org_logo = SM_PATH . 'images/sm_logo.png';

    * The width of the logo (0 for default)
    * @global string $org_logo_width
    $org_logo_width = '308';

    * The height of the logo (0 for default)
    * @global string $org_logo_height
    $org_logo_height = '111';

    * Webmail Title
    * This is the web page title that appears at the top of the browser window.
    * @global string $org_title
    $org_title = "UWASNET Webmail";

    * Signout page
    * Rather than going to the signout.php page (which only allows you
    * to sign back in), setting signout_page allows you to sign the user
    * out and then redirect to whatever page you want. For instance,
    * the following would return the user to your home page:
    * $signout_page = '/';
    * Set to the empty string to continue to use the default signout page.
    * @global string $signout_page
    $signout_page = '';

    * Top frame
    * By default SquirrelMail takes up the whole browser window,
    * this allows you to embed it within sites using frames. Set
    * this to the frame you want it to stay in.
    * @global string $frame_top
    $frame_top = '_top';

    * Provider name
    * Here you can set name of the link displayed on the right side of main page.
    * Link will be displayed only if you have $hide_sm_attributions
    * option set to true.
    * @global string $provider_name
    $provider_name = 'UWASNET';

    * Provider URI
    * Here you can set URL of the link displayed on the right side of main page.
    * Link will be displayed only if you have $hide_sm_attributions
    * option set to true.
    * @global string $provider_uri
    $provider_uri = '';

    /*** Server Settings ***/
    * Default Domain
    * The domain part of local email addresses.
    * This is for all messages sent out from this server.
    * Reply address is generated by $username@$domain
    * Example: In [email protected], is the domain.
    * @global string $domain
    $domain = '';

    * Time offset inversion
    * If you are running on a machine that doesn't have the tm_gmtoff
    * value in your time structure and if you are in a time zone that
    * has a negative offset, you need to set this value to 1. This is
    * typically people in the US that are running Solaris 7.
    * @global bool $invert_time
    $invert_time = false;

    * Default send transport
    * What should be used when sending email.
    * If it is set to false, SquirrelMail will use SMTP server settings.
    * If it is set to true, SquirrelMail will use program defined in
    * $sendmail_path
    * @global bool $useSendmail
    $useSendmail = false;

    * Your SMTP server (usually the same as the IMAP server).
    * @global string $smtpServerAddress
    $smtpServerAddress = '';
    * Your SMTP port number (usually 25).
    * @global integer $smtpPort
    $smtpPort = 25;

    * SquirrelMail header encryption
    * Encryption key allows to hide SquirrelMail Received: headers
    * in outbound messages. Interface uses encryption key to encode
    * username, remote address and proxied address, then stores encoded
    * information in X-Squirrel-* headers.
    * Warning: used encryption function is not bulletproof. When used
    * with static encryption keys, it provides only minimal security
    * measures and information can be decoded quickly.
    * Encoded information can be decoded with decrypt_headers.php script
    * from SquirrelMail contrib/ directory.
    * @global string $encode_header_key
    * @since 1.5.1 and 1.4.5
    $encode_header_key = '';

    * Path to Sendmail
    * Program that should be used when sending email. SquirrelMail expects that
    * this program will follow options used by original sendmail
    * (
    * @global string $sendmail_path
    $sendmail_path = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

    * Extra sendmail command arguments.
    * Sets additional sendmail command arguments. Make sure that arguments are
    * supported by your sendmail program. -f argument is added automatically by
    * SquirrelMail scripts. Variable defaults to standard /usr/sbin/sendmail
    * arguments. If you use qmail-inject, nbsmtp or any other sendmail wrapper,
    * which does not support -t and -i arguments, set variable to empty string
    * or use arguments suitable for your mailer.
    * @global string $sendmail_args
    * @since 1.5.1 and 1.4.8
    $sendmail_args = '-i -t';

    * IMAP server address
    * The dns name (or IP address) for your imap server.
    * @global string $imapServerAddress
    $imapServerAddress = '';

    * IMAP server port
    * Port used by your imap server. (Usually 143)
    * @global integer $imapPort
    $imapPort = 143;

    * IMAP server type
    * The type of IMAP server you are running.
    * Valid type are the following (case is important):
    * courier
    * cyrus
    * exchange
    * uw
    * macosx
    * hmailserver
    * other
    * Please note that this changes only some of server settings.
    * In order to set everything correctly, you need to adjust several
    * squirrelmail options. These options are listed in doc/presets.txt
    * @global string $imap_server_type
    $imap_server_type = 'courier';

    * Advanced IMAP authentication options control
    * CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, Plain, and TLS
    * Set reasonable defaults - you'd never know this was there unless you ask for it
    * @global bool $use_imap_tls
    $use_imap_tls = false;

    * Advanced SMTP authentication options control
    * CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD5, Plain, and TLS
    * Set reasonable defaults - you'd never know this was there unless you ask for it
    * @global bool $use_smtp_tls
    $use_smtp_tls = false;

    * SMTP authentication mechanism
    * auth_mech can be either 'none', 'login','plain', 'cram-md5', or 'digest-md5'
    * @global string $smtp_auth_mech
    $smtp_auth_mech = 'none';

    * Custom SMTP Authentication Username
    * IMAP username is used if variable is set to an empty string. Variable is included in
    * the main configuration file only in 1.4.11+ and 1.5.2+.
    * @global string $smtp_sitewide_user
    * @since 1.4.11
    $smtp_sitewide_user = '';

    * Custom SMTP Authentication Password
    * IMAP password is used if variable is set to an empty string. Variable is included in
    * the main configuration file in 1.4.11+ and 1.5.2+
    * @global string $smtp_sitewide_pass
    * @since 1.4.11
    $smtp_sitewide_pass = '';

    * IMAP authentication mechanism
    * auth_mech can be either 'login','plain', 'cram-md5', or 'digest-md5'
    * @global string $imap_auth_mech
    $imap_auth_mech = 'login';

    * IMAP folder delimiter
    * This is the delimiter that your IMAP server uses to distinguish between
    * folders. For example, Cyrus uses '.' as the delimiter and a complete
    * folder would look like 'INBOX.Friends.Bob', while UW uses '/' and would
    * look like 'INBOX/Friends/Bob'. Normally this should be left at 'detect'
    * but if you are sure you know what delimiter your server uses, you can
    * specify it here.
    * To have it autodetect the delimiter, set it to 'detect'.
    * @global string $optional_delimiter
    $optional_delimiter = 'detect';

    * POP before SMTP setting
    * Do you wish to use POP3 before SMTP? Your server must
    * support this in order for SquirrelMail to work with it.
    * @global bool $pop_before_smtp
    $pop_before_smtp = false;

    * POP before SMTP server address
    * When using POP3 before SMTP, if the POP server address is
    * not the same as the SMTP server address, specify it here.
    * If this is left empty, the SMTP server address will be
    * used by default.
    * @global bool $pop_before_smtp_host
    $pop_before_smtp_host = '';

    /*** Folder Settings ***/
    * Default IMAP folder prefix
    * Many servers store mail in your home directory. With this, they
    * store them in a subdirectory: mail/ or Mail/, etc. If your server
    * does this, please set this to what the default mail folder should
    * be. This is still a user preference, so they can change it if it
    * is different for each user.
    * Example:
    * $default_folder_prefix = 'mail/';
    * -- or --
    * $default_folder_prefix = 'Mail/folders/';
    * If you do not use this, set it to the empty string.
    * @global string $default_folder_prefix
    $default_folder_prefix = 'Maildir/';

    * User level prefix control
    * If you do not wish to give them the option to change this, set it
    * to false. Otherwise, if it is true, they can change the folder prefix
    * to be anything.
    * @global bool $show_prefix_option
    $show_prefix_option = false;

    /*** General options ***/
    * Path to the data/ directory
    * It is a possible security hole to have a writable directory
    * under the web server's root directory (ex: /home/httpd/html).
    * It is possible to put the data directory anywhere you would like;
    * it is strongly advised that it is NOT directly web-accessible.
    * The path name can be absolute or relative (to the config directory).
    * If it is relative, it must use the SM_PATH constant.
    * Here are two examples:
    * Absolute:
    * $data_dir = '/var/local/squirrelmail/data/';
    * Relative (to main SM directory):
    * $data_dir = SM_PATH . 'data/';
    * (NOT recommended: you need to secure apache to make sure these
    * files are not world readable)
    * @global string $data_dir
    $data_dir = '/srv/www/';

    * Attachments directory
    * Path to directory used for storing attachments while a mail is
    * being sent. There are a few security considerations regarding
    * this directory:
    * + It should have the permission 733 (rwx-wx-wx) to make it
    * impossible for a random person with access to the webserver to
    * list files in this directory. Confidential data might be laying
    * around there.
    * + Since the webserver is not able to list the files in the content
    * is also impossible for the webserver to delete files lying around
    * there for too long.
    * + It should probably be another directory than data_dir.
    * @global string $attachment_dir
    $attachment_dir = '/srv/www/';

    Last edited: Aug 29, 2009
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You dont have to change any settings in this file at all. It is working with the defaults. Just undo the settings you made and use localhost for smtp and imap server again as it was in the default file.
  3. wabz

    wabz New Member

    Still having the same problem

    I still have the same error even after changing to localhost. I had created Maildir folders for the user so i dont know if this is what is creating the problem. Outlook can pick mail using imap accounts so i am wondering what is wrong with webmail?

    I have just checked the mail log and this is what i got

    Aug 26 15:41:50 mail imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Aug 26 15:41:54 mail authdaemond: failed to connect to mysql server (, userid=admin): Unknown MySQL server host '' (1)
    Aug 26 15:41:54 mail imapd: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:]
    Aug 26 15:41:54 mail imapd: authentication error: Input/output error
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2009
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means that courier is not configured correctly. Please make sure that you entered "localhost" as mysql server hostname as the ispconfig installer suggested. If you entered a wrong hostname, you can try to add it to /etc/hosts in the line for the IP
  5. wabz

    wabz New Member

    my /etc/hosts file

    My hosts file looks like this

    mail:~ # vi /etc/hosts
    # Syntax:
    # IP-Address Full-Qualified-Hostname Short-Hostname
    # localhost

    # special IPv6 addresses
    ::1 localhost ipv6-localhost ipv6-loopback

    fe00::0 ipv6-localnet

    ff00::0 ipv6-mcastprefix
    ff02::1 ipv6-allnodes
    ff02::2 ipv6-allrouters
    ff02::3 ipv6-allhosts mail mail mail mail mail

    so where and how do i add the directive?

    Secondly i have a few sites for example: (not registered) that i wanted to develop using the server. How can i have them working? I know ultimately i have to register them....just want to do a quick fix before that.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer localhost
  7. wabz

    wabz New Member

    I have done

    I have done the above but i still have the same error message. If i may ask when installing ispconfig it reconfigures postfix mail server. What are the configurations it puts in postfix? It seams i might have skipped or maybe told ispconfig not to configure postfix. Can you help me out?

  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I guess the best way is that you do a clean reinstall of your server. You must have missed out a lot of points from the perfect server guide and reinstalling will take less time then trying to find out all things that had been skipped during initial setup.

    Just follow the ispconfig 3 perfect server guide for the linux distroibution you use line b line.

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